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An Echo

A member registered May 20, 2019

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You’re gonna have to go to the Succubus tower and get it removed, unless you have the spell to do it yourself. And I think you have to do some things before you get the option to have it removed at the tower. In the meantime, enjoy your Complementary Plumbing Upgrade™.

(1 edit)

I LOVED Rainy Skies, both versions of it, and I would love to see you complete it. But LDP it’s still a fantastic game and I’m sure it takes a lot of work. Don’t overdo yourself. Just seeing LDP through to completion would be a pretty big accomplishment.

Still, RS has given me a bit of inspiration for some of my own projects, TTRPGs rather than video games. The world you created with it is interesting and I hope, maybe someday, we get to explore it properly.

It’s a remake, generally of better quality and more detail, following a similar but not identical plot. There are a couple of little details in the original that I kind of like better, and it’s worth a playthrough if you are a big fan of the game — but Plus is it generally better game overall in my opinion.

Whoa! I did not expect this to be updated with my favorite bun! I have all the excite now.

I love Cassia and I’m so glad to see her in her own game!

It just dropped an hour ago! Get it while it’s hot.

By the time I saw this the link was expired. 😥

New version with bonus content?!?! I still have the free version, but one of these days when I’m not broke, I will be all over the new version…

There’s a nomnomnami subreddit, but it’s kind of a dumpster fire, and I avoid it. There needs to be a Discord…

Just finished it! Cassava’s theme was SO addicting. And VINEGAR!!! It made me happy to see her again, even though her story is so sad. I really relate to her, as someone who feels hopeless because of health conditions myself, and I hope she can find happiness in the future…

EEEEEEEEEEE! I’m so glad to see this I could squeal!

Markiplier just did a video playthrough of Bad End Theater!!! I watched the whole thing and realized how much I’d missed in my own playthrough. >_<

Anyway, hoping that directs a lot of people to this game and your other work! I made sure to mention that you had lots of other awesome games in the comments of that video.

Woot! Called it! Thank you for all your hard work.

Based on past patterns, we can probably expect one to drop literally any second now. But sometimes it is a little earlier or a little later. I’m sure the developer has plenty going on on their end, and I wouldn’t want to rush them.

What perfect timing. I come here to check for updates exactly as it dropped, before the DevLog is even updated. Hoping that’s a good luck sign.

Hopefully the new build comes out before the civil war, I need to have something to play while I’m hiding in a crude mud cave from whatever faction might be patrolling the area.

Android compatibility be damned! This game has SO much potential, and I would love to see you pick it back up. It doesn’t have to be remade from the VX Ace format — the MV has some down sides that are apparent in Lust Doll Plus, particularly with the menus and the map tile sizes forcing rooms to be smaller. You could SO make this a full amazing game just developing what you already have here, especially after having played through the Mabel version and seeing where you were going with it.